6 - April 15, 2021

Prender-si cura | 2021
La Pelanda
Prender-si cura | 2021
La Pelanda

What does it mean for you to inhabit a space during a residency period? 

I envision the "space in a period of residency" as a new space, a space never seen before, never previously experienced.

So this new space is a place that changes day by day. It appears in all its extraneousness at the first encounter, before undergoing a metamorphosis that transforms it and that transforms itself day by day: It makes me think of a new acquaintance.

The new space also defines a new abstract place, thus ideas originate in a mental environment of new shapes, a kind of abstract reproduction of the new architecture inhabited by the body. In any case, my relationship with a residency space is different on each occasion. Sometimes it can become an integral part of the work I'll be producing, while at other times it won't.

Rome is a city that I associate with a kind of pleasing nostalgia. It seems strange to me to think of a new space through a feeling of nostalgia.


How would you define the space of your work and research? What will you investigate on this occasion? 


I work primarily with video.

I like to think of the production of a film as a time cycle split into two different phases. The first state coincides with the birth of the idea, the research and the actual video-audio "recording" of the scene, in this initial phase everything is focused on the creation of a digital image, without any real spatial form; it's an image that doesn't occupy a specific space, it adapts to the screen on which it's going to be developed.

In the second phase, on the other hand, the image and sound come to life, they materialise, they actually occupy a space. This where the work exists in my eyes for the first time in its real shape.

So the concept of space in every new production drifts considerably.

For taking care we're toying with a variety of different possibilities, we're trying to figure out which of the processes might be required on this occasion.


Define “care” in three words 







Valentina Furian1989, live and works in Milan (IT).

She attended the Visual Arts course at the Iuav University of Venice (IT) and at ESBA Nantes Saint-Nazaire (FR).
She works mainly with moving images. The issues addressed in each new production reflect on the relationship between man and nature, the artist is particularly interested in exploring animal domestication as a form of human domination and human domestication in relation to social rules. 
In 2021 her work was selected in Cantica21 promoted by Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (MAECI) – Direzione Generale per la Promozione del Sistema Paese and by Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e per il Turismo (MIBACT) – Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea. In 2020 she presents cari cani, a solo exhibition at UNA gallery and Nautilus, at MUSE in Trento. In the same year, her work was presented at the screening Cinema Galleggiante curated by Microclima in collaboration with Ocean Space / TBA21−Academy, Pentagram Stiftung e Palazzo Grassi - Punta della Dogana - Pinault Collection.
In 2019 she is artist-in-residence in Mumbai with ArtOxygen in collaboration with The Blank Contemporary Art and ICC Mumbai, she presented a selection of works at Soho House in Mumbai and a screening in Sunaparanta Center of Contemporary Art in Goa. In the same year her work was presented at the collective exhibition Immersione Libera projected by Galleria Continua with Marina Nissim. And she was invited to the Kizart festival curated by NOMAS Foundation at MAXXI in Rome.

part of

27 December 2020 - 13 August 2021
Padiglione 9B, Performer: Prinz Gholam
13 luglio, ore 12-13
13 luglio, ore 12-13
13 luglio, ore 12-13