27 - April 28, 2023

The Academia comes to the Pelanda
La Pelanda
The Academia comes to the Pelanda
La Pelanda

The second project, in April, explores the production of Male Sacro by M. Binazzi, 3rd year acting recital for the Level One Academic Diploma, directed by Antonio Latella; rehearsals will be open to the public on 27 and 28 April.

Starring: Ilaria Arnone, Jacopo Carta, Vanda Colecchia, Eny Cassia Corvo, Leonardo Della Bianca, Chiara Di Lullo, Leonardo Di Pasquale, Luca Ingravalle, Fabiola Leone, Paolo Madonna, Federico Nardoni, Fausto Stefano Mario Peppe, Maria Vittoria Perillo, Domenico Pincerno, Michele Scarcella, Maria Grazia Trombino and Teresa Vigilante; assistant directors: Consuelo Bartolucci, Fabio Faliero, Enrico Torzillo; set design and costumes: Graziella Pepe; movement: Francesco Manetti; sound and music: Franco Visioli; lighting: Simone De Angelis; organisation: Brunella Giolivo. Footage of the set design for the performance of In cerca d’autore directed by Luca Ronconi: Bruno Buonincontri.

part of

31 March - 28 April 2023
A partnership between the Accademia Nazionale d'Arte Drammatica Silvio d'Amico and the Azienda Speciale Palaexpo in the Pelanda facility, which will be hosting two education and performance projects under the guiding hands of Giorgio Barberio Corsetti and Antonio Latella.
Padiglione 9B, Performer: Prinz Gholam
13 luglio, ore 12-13
13 luglio, ore 12-13
13 luglio, ore 12-13