8 - June 13, 2021

Prender-si cura | 2021
La Pelanda
Prender-si cura | 2021
La Pelanda


What does it mean for you to inhabit a space during a residency period?

I do not have one straight answer. It depends on the stage of the research process, and on the specific characteristics of the space; whether we are in a city or in nature, with people or alone. Space and time show us possibilities and invisibly determine routines. 


How would you define the space of your work and research? What will you investigate on this occasion?

It is an open, multifaceted, earthly space. It is never a sacred untouchable space, but rather a violable, radically-changing space.

This residence is mainly a technical residence, our need was to take more time to spend on scenic writing. The show debuted in September, I think enough time has passed to get back to the point where we feel we can take action. Moreover, the show had to be adapted to the new covid regulations. Or I mean, we have decided to use this chance to transform it, and we would like to give it a try together. If this version convinces us, I don't think we'll ever go back—it would be a bit strange, wouldn't it?

On the other hand, the last days will be dedicated to enquire the functioning of sound machines, as there is a version of NO RAMA, as the “unspectacular”—not meant for the stage—Secret, danced by one performer or, only with Rose spinners (rotating sound machines conceived and created in collaboration with Francesco Cavaliere). It is an exploded format of the show, with greater freedom of spatialization and a temporal evolution. I’ve also started writing the next piece, now I am wandering like a ghost between experiments, visions, listenings—I'm slowly sliding into it.


Define "care" in three words

contact – presence – trust



Annamaria Ajmone is an Italian dancer and choreographer.  The body intended as a mouldable and changeable material, capable of transforming spaces into places, is at the centre of her research. 

Her works were presented in various dance, theatre and performing arts festivals, museums, art galleries and non conventional spaces ,  in Europe, Asia, Northern Africa and the United States.

As a dancer, she has worked with Alias Compagnie, Ariella Vidach, Daniele Ninarello, Santasangre, Cristina Kristal Rizzo, Mithkal Alzghair, Moritz Ostruschnjak.

She works with a number of artists on projects that vary in nature and length, including Caned Icoda, Palm Wine, Bienoise, Francesco Cavaliere, Muta Imago, Strasse,  Industria Indipendente. For Matera, European Capital of Culture 2019, she signed the coreography for “Abitare l’opera, Prologo tra i Sassi / La Cavalleria Rusticana”, directed by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti (production Teatro San Carlo, Naples). She recently signed the body spacing for the FALL 2020 menswear fashion show of Magliano and the body modulation for the FALL 2020 womanswear fashion show of Marni. 

She received the Danza & Danza award as “best young Italian performer” in 2015. She coordinates Nobody’s Business for Italy, an opensource platform for the sharing of artistic practices. For the years 2019-2021 she is associated artist of La Triennale Milano Teatro, Milan. 

part of

27 December 2020 - 13 August 2021
Padiglione 9B, Performer: Prinz Gholam
13 luglio, ore 12-13
13 luglio, ore 12-13
13 luglio, ore 12-13