December 2, 2021

Dora García | Public Program
Pavilion 9b
Dora García | Public Program
Pavilion 9b

7.00 pm
Admission free while places last


Guests: Antonio Di Ciaccia, John McCourt

In the 23rd seminar, a central element in Dora García’s “La partitura Sinthomo” (The Sinthomo Musical Score”), Lacan chooses Joyce as his guide on a journey into the structure of the unconscious. Dr. Antonio Di Ciaccia and Prof. John McCourt take their cue from texts by both authors to analyse the ways in which writing explores the unconscious.


Antonio Di Ciaccia is a psychoanalyst, a member of the École de la Cause Freudienne, the Scuola Lacaniana di Psicoanalisi and the World Psychonalysis Assocation, and Chair of the Freudian Institute, a school specialising in Lacanian psychoanalytical psychotherapy, and of the Applied Psychoanalysis Consulting Rooms. He has edited and translated Other Writings and the volumes of Lacan’s Seminar in Italy for Einaudi and Astrolabio. He is Editor-in-Chief of Astrolabio’s journal La Psicoanalisi, Astrolabio. In 1974 he founded Antenne 110, an institute for autistic and psychotic children, in Belgium

John McCourt is Full Professor of English Literature and Director of the Department of Humanities at Macerata University. His most recent publications include Ulisse di James Joyce: Guida alla Lettura (Carocci 2021) and Consuming Joyce: 100 Years of Ulysses in Ireland (Bloomsbury 2022). He is Chair of the International James Joyce Foundation.

We thank the guests for granting the use of the images.
Antonio di Ciaccia
John McCourt - credit Andrea Lasort






part of

26 November 2021 - 7 January 2022
Padiglione 9A
Padiglione 9B, Performer: Prinz Gholam
13 luglio, ore 12-13
13 luglio, ore 12-13
13 luglio, ore 12-13
