24 June - 22 August 2021

La Pelanda
La Pelanda
curated by Ilaria Mancia

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world,
 the rest of the world calls a butterfly.” (Lao Tzu)


The apparitions of re – creatures in the Pelanda and the outdoor spaces of Mattatoio define, during summertime,  a pathway in which animal creatures of various shapes and sizes play the leading roles. This return of the animals to the Mattatoio has been conceived as an imaginary emancipation marked by an ambivalence merging drama with irony. The various artworks occupying the spaces address the issue of animalness in different ways and are open to various different levels of interpretation and perception. This animal presence, midway between domestic confinement and an unveiling of their wilder side, is disturbing precisely because it is at once reassuring and threatening.

The different spaces, with their intriguing beauty that makes no attempt to hide the place's bloody history, are going to be inhabited, subtly invaded, by fragile yet undaunted chimera-like creatures. Presences that force us to face the basic amibiguity of our relationship with the environment which consisting as much of wonderfully vibrant exchanges as it does of devastating, irreparable violence. Maybe the animals can help us to re-invent that relationship, or maybe they can just allow us to feel that it is temporarily suspended as it tends towards an (im)possible future. 

The apparitions that make up the re – creatures programme take up a stance in opposition to any appearance but they do so in the awareness that it is precisely the tangled relationship between an apparition and an appearance that determines the dreamlike slide in which the logic of human thought opens up, possibly for only a moment and thanks to artistic creation, to the perception of other habitats.

“In Sparta boys were wolves; in Athens girls were bears. Text books repeat that the youths' initiation served to introduce them to the order of the city. But the opposite is true. It was in actual fact a way of looking towards a point in the past, towards a state of mingling with animals from which man had broken away, first becoming a wolf or a bear, then becoming the one who slew wolves and bears. Initiation was an invitation to remember. One day, at a given age, they would study history. For now they discovered what happened before all history: they became wolves and bears for a short while.” (Roberto Calasso)

These apparitions are going to have different levels of intensity throughout the summer.

At the end of June we will be setting out on a journey into darkness where we will meet creatures that build sound landscapes through their bodies, the photographic medium, music and words.

At the end of July the human and the non-human will complete a fantastic twilight occupation of the outdoor spaces. Also, new movements of live performances will stage worlds that dialogue with reality in unexpected ways, through language, the body, matter and the relationships forged with the surrounding environment.

The interior of the Pelanda will be "inhabited" by animal creatures: three large video installations will immerse human guests in dystopian and alienating worlds in which animalness prompts a reflection on our condition. 





June 24 - August 22, 2021

Video HD, sound, LED screen; 18’

Galleria delle Vasche, Pelanda

June 24 - August 22, 2021

HD Video (2-ch), color, sound (dolby 5.1); 6’50”
Foyer 1, Pelanda

June 24 - August 22, 2021

Film, colour, sound; 19’

Foyer 2, Pelanda

26 - June 27, 2021

26 June 9.30pm
27 June 9.00pm
Central stage

June 26 - August 6, 2021

entry Largo G.B. Marzi

June 27, 2021

7.00pm fanzine presentation
10.45pm live
Central stage

July 20 - August 6, 2021
Mattatoio outdoor spaces
Oversized rabbits lit up by a white light have invaded the planet. Huge and laid back, Intrude's rabbits have now come to the Mattatoio.
July 20 - August 22, 2021

A performance contained in a box, to be taken home and activated whenever and wherever you want.

20 - July 21, 2021

20 July, 9.30pm
21 July, 9.30pm

Hidden stage
show in German with Italian surtitles

July 22, 2021

Central stage
film in English and French with Italian subtitles

following: conversation with Nathalie Küttel (ShanjuLab)

25 - July 26, 2021

25 July, 8.30pm 

26 July, 8.30pm 

following: Simone Aughterlony in conversation with Ilenia Caleo


Hidden stage

Show suitable for audiences over the age of 14

July 26, 2021
Hidden stage

conversation in English with italian translation
27 - July 29, 2021
27, 28 and 29 July, 6.00pm
max 12 children aged 5 and over
July 27, 2021

Central stage

July 28, 2021

Central stage

July 29, 2021

Central stage

Show for children aged 7 to 11 years

July 30, 2021


Central stage
